Sunday, 29 June 2014

Behavior of built-in functions in c/c++

GCC normally generates special code to handle certain built-in functions more efficiently; for instance, calls to "alloca" may become single instructions that adjust the stack directly, and calls to "memcpy" may become inline copy loops. The resulting code is often both smaller and faster, but since the function calls no longer appear as such, you cannot set a breakpoint on those calls, nor can you change the behavior of the functions by linking with a different library.
--- GCC doc
As per the above comment, GCC compiler internally links with different function body for same function call


int main()
        int a=10;
        printf("Value of a:%d\n",a);
If you look into the object file for the above mentioned code, it contains two function signatures those are
00000000 T main
         U printf

Now consider the below mentioned code

int main()
        printf("Hello World!");

the object file for the above mentioned code will contains two function signatures those are
00000000 T main
         U puts

Note that, both example mentioned above use a function call printf, but the object code shows two different function signatures, those are printf and puts.
The above examples show that compiler use printf function internally when more than one parameter is passed in printf function, but same printf function is replaced by puts when it is called with one parameter.

GCC compiler also provide an option to disable this behavior if required, for example

If Ex:2 is compiled with -fno-builtin option then the object file will contain the signatures:
00000000 T main
         U printf

In this way compiler will not consider any built-in function for optimization, but what if only one function requires built-in function optimization.
Let see how to do this....
  • Define one macro with the same function name
  • prepend __builtin_ keyword with the function 

#define printf __builtin_printf
int main()
        int a=10;
        printf("Hello Wolrd!\n");
        printf("Value of a:%d\n",a);
This way compiler will always use builtin function optimization even if code is compiled with -fno-builtin.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Few points to keep in mind while using printf function

printf function allows c/c++ programmer to write formatted string to the standard output (stdout).
Though c++ introduced a better technique to write the output data in different output channel by using stream classes like ostream, iostream, fstream etc... but still printf is preferred in some places by many of the programmers, because it provides an easy interface (depends programmer to programmer) to write formatted output but along with this it has some problem (if code is not compiled with -Wformat or -Wall) which is described below.

The declaration of printf function is int printf(const char* format,...);
where format takes the const string/format-specifiers. if format contains any format specifier then printf function expect the corresponding data to be printed.

As per the above mentioned printf declaration, first parameter of printf must be const char* type and then rest can be anything. That means at the compile time compiler will only check for the first parameter and it doesn't bother about other parameters. Now consider the below example which may create problem at runtime.

* Problem when you forgot to pass the value for specified format specifier

int a=10,b=20;

printf("value of a = %d, value of  b = %d",a); //here value of b is not passed but compiler doesn't bother for that.

value of a = 10, value of b = -1074196968

here value of b is expected as 20 but it is printing a garbage value because b was not passed and compiler also does not throw error for this mistake.

* Problem when you use wrong format specifier

int a=16450,b=1651;

printf("value of a = %c, value of  b = %d",a,b); //here value of a is formatted by %c format specifier

value of a = B, value of b=1651

here printf function is taking the lower 1 byte of a, that is  66 and printing the ascii char B.

* Problem when you use data type of more than 4 bytes and try to print with wrong format specifier

long long int x=0x4100000042;

int a=10,b=20;

printf("value of x=%d, value of a = %d, value of  b = %d",x,a,b);

value of x=66, value of a = 65, value of b = 10

value of x is printed with %d format specifier where it is a long long int type so it is taking the lower 4 byte and printing but the expected value of a and b was 10 and 20 respectively and it was printing 65 and 10....
where is the problem ?

All the data passed to the printf funtion will be pushed into a stack, and it will be processed by using va_list, now suppose a long long int value which is 8 byte is passed to the printf funtion but format specifier is given %d that is to print integer value (a 4 byte data). So printf will take 4 byte value from stack and print.
In the above example value will be pushed as

MSB <<   [0x00000014 | 0x0000000a | 0x00000041 | 0x00000042]  <<   LSB
                <------ b ----> <-----a -----> <-------------- x --------------->

  • while printing "x=%d" , it will take first 4 bytes (from LSB) because format specifier is "%d", first 4 bytes data is 0x00000042 = 66. So it is printing "value of x = 66".
  •  while printing "a = %d", it will take next 4 bytes (from LSB) because format specifier is "%d", next 4 bytes data is 0x00000041 = 65, so it is printing "value of a = 65"
  • while printing "b = %d", it will take next 4 bytes (from LSB) because format specifier is "%d", next 4 bytes data is 0x0000000a = 10, so it is printing "value of b = 10".

Since no other format specifiers is present now so it will stop printing the data, but you can see one data is still there in memory which is not yet printed, so if one more format specifier is given then the remaining data also should be printed, like:

long long int x=0x4100000042;

int a=10,b=20;

printf("value of x=%d, value of a = %d, value of  b = %d, extra data = %d",x,a,b);

value of x=66, value of a = 65, value of b = 10, extra data = 20
NOTE: In this example there is no corresponding data for "extra data = %d".

Another example:
(few compiler will throw error for this example)


class C
        int x,y;
        C(int a, int b):x(a),y(b)

int main()
        C obj(4,7);
        printf("x : %d, y : %d\n",obj); // note two format specifier but only one variable is passed.

x : 4, y : 7
NOTE: Even x and y are  private member of C class, printf is printing the value, because here x and y is not accessed by using obj  like obj.x and obj.y thats why compiler is allowing the data of x and y to be passed to printf function.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Pointer To Member Operators

The pointer-to-member operators ->* and .* group left-to-right

Example of Pointer to Member Operators:

Example1: Pointer to member data
class Test
        int x;
        void display()
int main()
        Test obj;
        Test *objPtr=&obj;         //pointer to object "obj"
        int Test::*p = &Test::x;  //p is a pointer to member x of Test.
        obj.display();            // output:5
        obj.*p=7;                 //modify the content of x by using pointer p
        obj.display();            // output:7
        objPtr->*p=10;            //modify the content of x by using pointer p accessed by a pointer points to an object "obj".
        obj.display();            // output:10

Example2: Pointer to member function
class Test
        int x;
        void display()
int main()
        Test obj;
        Test *objPtr=&obj;                   //pointer to object "obj"
        void (Test::*ptr_display)();
        ptr_display = &Test::display;
        obj.display();                      //calling display function by object
        (obj.*ptr_display)();            //calling display function by pointer to member function
        (objPtr->*ptr_display)();           //calling display function by pointer to member function using object pointer

Friday, 2 May 2014

Implicit Definition in CPP

In some circumstances, C ++ implementations implicitly define the default constructor (12.1), copy constructor (12.8), move constructor (12.8), copy assignment operator (12.8), move assignment operator (12.8), or destructor (12.4) member functions.
--- N3690_CPP-11_Draft, Page-No: 33

class C

By default contains the implicit defined functions:
class C
    C(){ }  //default constructor
    C(const C&)  //copy constructor
    C& operator=(const C& x)     //copy assignment operator
        return *this;
    ~C(){ } //destructor
In case if any constructor is explicitly defined inside the class, compiler will override the default constructor. But other implicit constructor will still be there until it is not explicitly overridden by the programmer. Example:
class C
    C(C& obj){ }
contains the implicit defined functions:
class C
    /*C(){ }*/  //no default constructor
    C(C& obj){ }   //explicitly defined by programmer
    C(const C&)  //copy constructor
    C& operator=(const C& x)     //copy assignment operator
        return *this;
    ~C(){ } //destructor

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Copy Constructor Dilemma: Is it possible to create a new object?

Consider the following lines of code
#ifndef __CAR_H__
#define __CAR_H__
#include <string.h>
class Car
    Car& Object;
    Car(Car& Obj):Object(Obj)
    char color[20];
    void setColor(char* color)
    char* getColor()
        return color;

Since the class has defined a copy constructor only, it expects Car’s object to be passed to create any usable object. But we don’t have an object to create a new object. If this is the case then how do we create the first usable object of Car?

int main()
    Car object(object); // Is it ok? 

How it works? When the statement on line number 5 is compiled, compiler will allocate memory of size Car. Which loader shall then map with actual memory of the system before executing program. This means memory segment has already been allocated before calling the constructor. Hence we have the address of uninitialized object Car.

Consequently we may pass the object to create a usable object of Car, as seen on line number 5 on ref2. And the compiler complies the program without complaining. As copy constructor requires an object reference of Car. This object being referred needn’t be initialized. Constructor doesn’t create the object, it only initializes the object calling the constructor.